Babies & Kids
We love kids! We see many babies and children of all ages at our centre.
Your little one is a beautiful miracle.
Your baby’s arrival into the world is an incredible journey…sometimes smooth, sometimes more challenging.
As a parent, you want the best for your baby. You want to ensure they have a great start and are set for optimum health…physically, socially, emotionally and cognitively.
Each day you notice exciting changes as your baby begins to grow, engage and connect with you. The brain undergoes rapid growth and development as they experience their world during the first year of life.
Cranial work encourages the release of stresses and tensions throughout the body, including the head. It is a gentle yet extremely effective approach
We work with kids with specific needs, such as those with disabilities or learning difficulties, and with premature babies
Gentle adjustments could help soothe and relax your baby
Techniques used on babies and children are gentle, delicate, careful and always tailored for your little one.
More questions, no problem…contact us to book a free 15-minute appointment.Babies/Kids

Your chiropractor holds a specialist postgraduate qualification in paediatric chiropractic from the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association. She had undergone extensive training to increase her skills to help children of all ages.
There is no lower age limit to have chiropractic care! The youngest baby we have seen has been two days old. Chiropractic care is gentle and consists or specific techniques suitable for children at all stages of development. The adjustment for a newborn requires only the lightest pressure with a fingertip most of the time.

Cranial work encourages the release of stresses and tensions throughout the body, including the head. It is a gentle yet extremely effective approach
We work with kids with specific needs, such as those with disabilities or learning difficulties, and with premature babies
Gentle adjustments could help soothe and relax your baby
Techniques used on babies and children are gentle, delicate, careful and always tailored for your little one.
More questions, no problem…contact us to book a free 15-minute appointment.