As a Webster Technique Certified Chiropractor, and trained in the Spinning Babies approach, I am asked regularly to help turn breech babies.
I always explain that as a chiropractor I do not turn babies. What I do is create an opportunity so that babies can get into the best possible position…normally that’s head down, but not always.
The Webster Technique is a specific chiropractic sacral analysis and diversified adjustment. The goal of the adjustment is to reduce the effects of sacral subluxation/ SI joint dysfunction. In doing so, neuro-bio mechanical function in the pelvis is facilitated.
Sounds a bit complicated and confusing, but it is simple, I help create space. I help create balance, I help create a change and I help create a better brain and body connection.
I feel there has been an increase in the number of woman who have babies in a breech position in the last decade and I blame it on that fact that more woman are sitting in front of a desk all day more than ever before and they are not exercising or moving. Woman also tend to cross their legs and wear heels which creates less than optimum conditions. The research tells us that 3-5% of babies are in a breech position at birth and they pressure mums to have cesarean sections as this is thought to be the safest way to deliver the baby.

Pregnancy is a normal natural part of life. It is also a stress on the body. Any physical problems are usually amplified in pregnancy because of the increased strain on the body. I highly recommend if you have had previous back problems to go and see a chiropractor before you get pregnant to make sure you are in the best alignment for the pregnancy as this is another reason a baby does not get into the best position.
Most mums are shocked to learn that fetal position is normally determined early in the pregnancy, from week 10-24. The soft tissue, ligaments, muscles and the alignment of the pelvis and the whole body is set at this stage, which is why it is important for mums to add body balancing techniques early so that baby has the best chance to get into an ideal position for birth by 34 weeks.
Before 30 weeks, women should have good posture, be walking regularly and exercising, as this will help most babies get into an optimal position. I recommend starting the forward leaning inversion, a spinning babies technique at the start of the third trimester and holding it for 30 seconds, unless there are any contraindications in doing. It helps create room in the lower uterus so babies can use that space, with the natural pull of gravity, to get into a more ideal position. The technique comes from Dr. Carol Phillips a Chiropractor.
My biggest frustration is that mums wait too long to do anything about getting baby into the optimal position. Birth is probably one of the biggest events in a mum’s life and unfortunately, little is done to prepare physically or emotionally. Some women take antenatal classes, some are starting to take hypnobirthing classes, some do pregnancy yoga. I believe all pregnant mums should do all these things including seeing a Webster Trained chiropractor.
Ideally, if you find out your baby is in a breech position the Webster Technique is best done early to help baby get into an optimal position. So please do not wait.
If you have any questions regarding a breech baby or any questions about seeing a chiropractor during pregnancy please get in touch.