Hypnobirthing is once again in the media headlines as Meghan Markel prepares for the birth of her first child. Her royal sister in law Catherine also sparked speculation about using Hypnobirthing techniques for her three labours. But Hypnobirthing is not just for royalty, it’s for everybody and every birth.
I think it is fair to say many people have misconceptions about the course based on the name; in fact, last week one of my lovely clients told me that her (insert popular antenatal class) teacher informed her class that you actually are hypnotised! Thankfully my client put her straight.
What could I change it to? Calmbirthing, Informedbirthing, Relaxedbirthing, Controlledbirthing, Educatedbirthing. All of those work. . .but actually, Hypnobirthing includes all of those words when you gain a simple understanding of what we do. It’s common to have to dispel myths around our courses.

The “Hypno” association comes from the level of relaxation that we aim to achieve during pregnancy and birth. Deep relaxation is simply a light state of Hypnosis, which is extremely beneficial and effective during labour. We look at the importance of words and suggestion and the concentration and hyper-focus that you can experience with Hypnosis.
What’s more, it’s science! Hypnobirthing courses provides logical, scientific education that explains exactly how your muscles and hormones are working during your labour and how your techniques can enable them to do what they were designed to do. This also helps us to understand how we can potentially hinder the process so we discuss how to avoid that happening and how your birth can be much more comfortable.
All of our courses actively involve the birth partner so that nobody need feel useless or anxious. Our birth partners know exactly how to support and protect their birth partners during labour and the programme also helps them to bond with baby during pregnancy. Fear hormones in the birth room can be contagious, so we ensure that our birth partners know their worth and feel confident to support their partners.
Labour can be unpredictable, and when parents needs a little more support, Hypnobirthing techniques come in to their own keeping you calm and providing you with a tool to manage the situation and keep control if things take a turn. We educate parents to understand their birth choices and gain an excellent understand of what can happen during labour, both text book and with intervention so that they are prepared in such events. The key to a positive birth is feeling informed, being respected and understanding your choices. I have supported clients through vagina deliveries and planned and unplanned inductions, interventions and caesareans. Nobody has ever said that Hypnobirthing didn’t help them in any situation.
I have been teaching Hypnobirthing courses for 6 years now, I didn’t know anything about it for my first labour and I certainly didn’t feel prepared or confident. 4 years later I used the techniques to birth my second child and it was the most empowering and healing experience of my life. Following my son’s traumatic delivery, my daughter’s birth was completely peaceful, calm, relaxed and even enjoyable. I birthed her without the need for any pain relief or assistance at home in the water. This is just my experience, but a testament to how effective the techniques are. I was extremely anxious and full of fear following that first experience, but Hypnobirthing enabled me to release all fears around birth, know how to help myself and understand exactly what was happening. It was a truly wonderful and healing experience. I was taking her along to courses from a few weeks old as I felt more passionate than ever to share this wonderful programme.
KG Hypnobirthing teacher training course are accredited by the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) because midwives and hospitals benefit from the more calm and straightforward births as a result of KG Hypnobirthing, with shorter labours and fewer interventions.
Harrow Babies have evening courses running from Elstree and weekend courses in Harrow on alternate months. For further information please visit www.harrowbabies.co.uk