Neck Pain
Neck pain really is a ‘pain in the neck’. It can be the result of a sudden, violent movement of the head, such as in a car accident (whiplash), or it can seem to come on for no apparent reason at all. Whatever the cause, it’s really uncomfortable and often inhibits movement of the head, which can be very dangerous for drivers. Many people accept it as being the inevitable fall-out of everyday life, putting it down to stress or long hours working at a desk. It doesn’t have to be this way!
Chiropractic treatment is extremely effective for treating neck pain. At Vibrant Chiropractic we’ve been we’ve seen hundreds of people with this condition leave the clinic pain-free.

Our expert chiropractors can help you
We use the latest techniques and equipment to relieve tension, loosen up muscles, and get the joints in the spine and neck to move better. Often, it is a long-term issue, so it is recommended that you see one of our specialists so they can examine your neck, and discuss the best possible treatment plan for you. Our goal is to get you feeling and moving better as quickly as possible, and to address the underlying problem to make sure that the pain doesn’t come back.
So, whatever caused your neck pain, an injury, traffic accident, stress or work, don’t just put up with pain, take action.

Neck pain really is a ‘pain in the neck’- it’s where the saying comes from! A lot of people accept it as part of everyday life, with many of us putting neck ache down to stress or the inevitable fall-out of working at a desk.
Twisted or Locked Neck
Twisted or locked neck, also know as acute torticollis, is caused by injury to the neck muscles or joints. It can be caused by bad posture, poor sleeping positions or carrying heavy loads, such as a workbag, for a prolonged period.
Wear and tear in the neck (Cervical Spondylosis)
Neck pain can be caused by wear and tear to the bones and joints in your neck. This leads to stiffness, inflammation, reduced movement and pain down the arms. Many people also experience numbness, tingling and weakness in the arms and hands. It is particularly common amongst the over 50s.
Pinched Nerve (Cervical Radiculopathy)
Neck pain can be caused by a pressure on a nerve in the neck. This nerve pressure can cause the symptoms to radiate down arm. These include pain, pins and needles and loss of sensation in the arm.

Treating Neck Pain
Chiropractic treatment is extremely effective at treating neck pain. We use the latest techniques and equipment to relieve the tension, loosen up the muscles, and get the joints in the spine and neck to move better. Our goal is to get you feeling better as quickly as possible and to address the underlying problem to make sure that the pain doesn’t come back. Often, it is a long-term issue, so it is recommended that you see one of our specialists so they can examine your neck, and discuss what is best for you.